Client Comments

When I started Reiki, I wasn’t in a great place – I’d had a difficult few years emotionally, and I had debilitating pain in my hip and thigh, which physical therapies hadn’t helped. I knew very little about Reiki, but decided to give it a go. I’m so glad I did – and I’m so glad it was Anne that I went to see.

After my first session, I felt a subtle but unmistakeable improvement, physically and in my frame of mind – as if things had started clicking back into place. Everything felt more manageable. Over the past couple of years, Reiki has continued to have a positive impact on my life. I keep things more in perspective and spend less time on needless worry. I feel more in touch with the natural and the spiritual world, and more at peace with myself. I’m still a work in progress – but aren’t we all?! My hip now gives me little more than the odd twinge – walking is a pleasure again. And, alongside the Reiki, I’ve enjoyed learning about Anne’s use of crystal therapy, and trying it for myself.

Reiki sessions are both marvellously relaxing, and gently energising, and Anne’s calm and capable manner is immensely reassuring. She’s approachable, non-judgemental, and kind; her care for her clients is evident. I always feel that I’m in safe hands.

Reiki is great, and I’d recommend it to anyone.

L.T. Thirsk

“Reiki gives help where you really need it…”

Reiki gives help where you really need it whether or not you’re aware of that need. Delivered in a relaxing, gentle and non-invasive way it seems to seems to create self healing for your whole being.  I first saw Anne for help with a severe back injury and found that my pain eased and that the healing process benefitted not just in a physical way but in the way I was able to deal with it mentally.  I also became aware of a very subtle yet definite benefit emotionally – it’s very difficult to describe, and sounds a bit fey, but I feel that I understand myself better.

Anne herself is so lovely and easy to be with – it doesn’t matter whether you want to tell her something or nothing, her genuine, non-judgmental care is offered with wondrous skill. I, for one, am extremely grateful to her.

D.T. Easingwold

“…I have to say I’m amazed…”

I would like to say how impressed I am by my experience of Quantum-Touch. My right thumb suddenly became very swollen and painful overnight and, not being aware of any trauma to it, I did the usual things of taking Ibuprofen and resting it as much as possible hoping that it would go as quickly as it had appeared. However after 10 days it was no better so I visited my GP.  Having looked at it my GP advised me to continue as I was and come back after a month if it was no better. As you can imagine, I wondered what else I could do as my thumb was so painful and restricted in movement.Fortunately for me Anne asked if I would like to try Quantum-Touch. I have to say that I didn’t know what to expect but even after the first session my thumb was much improved.  After a few more sessions I have to say I’m amazed.  All the swelling and pain has completely disappeared and I have not even encountered a further twinge. I shall certainly use Anne again under similar circumstances without hesitation

G.L.  Easingwold

“Now, months later, I still have no pain…”

I went to Anne for Quantum-Touch thinking that I was being silly and it wouldn’t work. I don’t really believe in such things and maybe was a little embarrassed about going.  I had no need to be. Anne put me at my ease straight away. We talked about the pain and how long I had had it. My shoulder was so painful I had to have help when dressing.

Anne seemed to know how I was feeling and I was more than happy for her to do her stuff.  When she started her hands felt cold, then they became warmer and then very hot and I felt relaxed.

After the treatment I still had some pain but after 3 days it was only an ache and I found that I was putting my right arm through my sleeve without thinking about it. Now, months later, I still have no pain in my shoulder at all and that was after only one session.

S.R.  Coxwold

“…it reduces aches and pains and speeds up the healing process…”

I have been receiving Quantum-Touch treatment on my knee after A.C.L reconstructive surgery. I have found it reduces aches and pains and speeds up the healing process as I am still very active in sport.

My dog, a German Shepherd, is starting to show his age so has been having QT as well. He really relaxes during treatment, and I have noticed that each morning after treatment he is much livelier and will play for longer than usual.

J.C.  Stillington

“I don’t really need to know how it works…it just does.”

I don’t understand how Reiki and Quantum-Touch work, but I’ve felt the results. I don’t understand how the national grid works, but my lights go on when I turn a switch.  Anne’s treatments have been enormously helpful in relieving my back and shoulder pain, and it can feel sometimes like a switch has been reset in my body.  I don’t really need to know how it works, or even believe that it will work – it just does.  I’d recommend you try it too for yourself.

A.E. Brandsby

“It always amazes me just how effective long distance sessions are without even having to leave the comfort of my own home…”

Having distance healing sessions with Anne has been so wonderful and incredibly effective. Anne’s presence is incredibly calm and soothing which is innately healing and she is full of wisdom to share. I am very grateful to have had relief from repetitive strain injury in both hands due to intense typing for college assignments as well as excessive mobile phone use. It always amazes me just how effective long distance sessions are without even having to leave the comfort of my own home and I always leave the session feeling incredibly calm and peaceful. Thank you Anne!

J.G. London

I think that Anne is a very special human who can help, even when she’s not right next to me. I hope she will come and see me soon so that I can nuzzle her and give her a scratch to say “thank you”. I don’t know how she did it but she really helped me.

Bee (Equine Reiki client)

Read Bee’s Story here.